5 Top Reasons to Sell your House during the winter months Some people think waiting until spring is the best time to put their house on the market. It’s true that the spring market is usually the busiest and most active time, however with that said, the winter selling market definitely has it’s advantages! Here are the 5 top reasons to sell your house during the winter months.

Selling during the winter months

Home Staging During the Holidays!

1. There is less competition. That’s right, less competition for the people who still need to find a house. People who need to make that decision during the winter months will have to choose from the available inventory. They may not have the luxury of an extended house search like others.

2. Serious Buyers:  The people actually looking at your house and making an appointment to see it, they are serious about having to find a house. They are not just nosey neighbors, not just looky-loos, but people who have a need for a home in the real estate market. There are so many other things people would prefer doing during the winter months, so the ones who are out there braving the weather are seriously looking. Serious lookers are serious buyers!

3. Interest Rates are still at an all time low! We’ve been pretty lucky so far for the past few years, but as they say “all good things come to an end.” The low interest rates, the affordable price of homes has allowed buyers to buy a house during a very active real estate market.

4. Corporate Relcation moves happen year round. Employees and business owners who have recently moved into a new position with their company, may be in a position requiring them to move or upgrade their homes. They will want to make the transition quickly in order to do their business with the least amount of interruption in their lives.

5. A house will “feel” like home. It’s true and this one is from personal experience. I, too, was in a position of having to find a house in December. I remember it was cold, snowy and icy outside at the time. I stepped into the foyer of my existing house. It was so warm and cozy I turned to my agent and said “this is it!” I felt warm, sheltered and safe during that experience. I hadn’t taken 2 steps into the house but it felt like I was home! Buyers make an emotional decision within 15 seconds of walking through the front door to decide whether or not this is a house that could work for them. It happened to me and I know it happens to many other people as well. The cold winter months are a great time for that emotion that a buyer needs to connect with your house.