When you’re getting ready to sell your house, there are some people who think they don’t need to work with a home stager because their house has been decorated, either by themselves, or by a professional designer. The difference in decorating vs home staging as I explain to people is that decorating is all about the people who live there, their lives, their hobbies, their interests. Home staging on the other hand is actually about the “house” and not the people who live there.
By investing in home staging, a homeowner will benefit in many ways. The three top reasons to hire a professional home stager are as follows:
1. A home stager can look at your house with an unbiased and professional eye to help create a space that shows the architectural features of the house, shows the best floor plan and layout of the furniture creating a flow through the space, and understands the demographic buyer of your house. They will make suggestions on the current trends including colors, furnishings and lifestyle that today’s buyers are looking for. The staged house allows the buyer to focus on the house, and not the personal collections and lifestyle of the current owner. (more…)