Refined Interior Staging Solutions wins 3 Top 10 Professional Staging Awards from RESA for 2017
Helen Bartlett of Kansas City, Kansas has been named a Top 10 Professional Home Stager for 2017 by RESA Helen Bartlett of Kansas City, Kansas has been named a Top 10 Professional Home Stager in 3 categories including Vacant Homes, Owner Occupied Homes and Redesign work for 2017 by RESA. Read more…
Amazon’s Best Seller List – Home Staging The Power That Sells Real Estate
We did it! We hit Amazon’s Best Seller List with the launch of our new book, “Home Staging The Power that Sells Real Estate.” I had the pleasure of co-authoring this book with 14 other amazingly talented home stagers across North America. Official launch was Cyber Monday, November 28, 2016. Read more…
The Power of Selling Real Estate – 15 Industry Experts Share their secrets! Book Launch November 2016
VIP Red Carpet Charity & Book Launch
Leaving the Dark Side – 3 Ways to Brighten, Lighten and Update your space with Home Staging!
I just love older homes. I’m excited every time I get an opportunity to stage an older home. Since I’ve lived in “older” homes my entire life, I feel this strong connection in making them feel and look special, bringing some life back into each space and renewing it’s purpose Read more…
Why do I need to stage a house in a hot real estate market?
Some people are saying staging isn’t necessary because inventory seems to be low and homes are flying off the shelves when they hit the market. Is staging even necessary in a hot market? Absolutely! Buyers still need to see the potential a space or house has for their family and lifestyle. While a staged home makes it easier for 90% of homebuyers to visualize a space, a buyer needs to connect emotionally with a space in order to consider buying it. When they are connected emotionally, they don’t want to risk losing a house. A staged home helps buyers to see how their furniture placement will work and also minimizes the flaws a home may have while accentuating the features. Staging in a hot real estate market also increases the chance to sell quickly with multiple offers, some over asking price. The investment in home staging always pays off in more ways than one! Not staging a home in a hot real estate market is potentially leaving money on the table!
Do you Want Top Dollar when selling your house? – 3 Ways a Buyer will Perceive Less Value in your House!
Want Top Dollar for your House – 3 Ways a Buyer will Perceive Less Value in your House! I’ve heard it many times from sellers, that they don’t need to do a thing to their house before they list it. “I’ve never had to do anything before, and I’ve never Read more…
3 Easy Ways to get your Built-ins Organized! From Chaos….to Collected!
From Cluttered to Collected….3 steps to help organize built-ins! I always look at built-ins as a great feature in a house, the detail, the charm of making a room feel so personal. Since reading books seems to becoming obsolete because of modern technology, we have so many new options of Read more…
2016 Top 10 Professional Home Stager for Vacant Homes, Owner Occupied Homes and Redesign in the United States
Home Staging Association Award Finalists and Top 10 Lists Announced Kansas City, Kansas- February 11, 2016 A A Kansas City business woman, Helen Bartlett, owner of Refined Interior Staging Solutions and a member of the Real Estate Staging Association the trade association professional real estate stagers and re-designers was named Read more…