“For that price, you better be doing a lot more!”

I recently sent out an email bid proposal for staging a vacant home.  The home had been on the market for a while with no offer presented. The homeowner called with frustration in his voice and said he needed to do something different.

I went and previewed the property and emailed him a bid shortly thereafter.  His response to my bid proposal was “For that price, you better be doing a lot more!”  At first I was a little taken aback by his response.  Then I realized it was a perfect opportunity to help educate this homeowner on home staging.

I’ve always known the value you get from our company definitely outweighs the investment. We certainly are in line with industry standards with regard to pricing.  Our prices are based on the following:

  • We spend tens of thousands of dollars every year to have the latest styles, trends, designs and relevant furniture, art and accessories.
  • We invest in continuing education every year so that we can remain current with what is happening in the home staging and design industries.
  • We go to furniture markets so that we are aware of the latest designs and trends that today’s buyers want to see.
  • We are members of professional organizations such as RESA (Real Estate Staging Association) that promotes professionalism and excellence in a non-regulated industry keeping our ethics and work standards high.
  • We have served in leadership roles locally and nationally for RESA, our staging association.
  • We have consistently been named as one of the Top 10 Professional Home Stagers in the United States for the past five consecutive years.
  • We’ve been named the Top 100 Influencers in Interior Design in both 2017 and 2019.
  • We have been recognized by Houzz with Design and Service Awards on of the largest website platforms for interior design and home improvement.
  • We invest in marketing and technology to keep our business relevant on in front of prospective clients.
  • We have 3 decades of experience in real estate, design and sales and marketing which allows us to use all that experience for your best interest.
  • We pay taxes ( yes, we pay lots of taxes) because we are a legitimate business in the eyes of our government.
  • We pay professional movers to install and pick up our furnishings.
  • Like Amazon, years ago we also started in our garage and have subsequently grown into 2 warehouse spaces where we store our furnishings that cover a wide range of home styles and demographic buyers.  Unlike Amazon, we still are happy to say we are a boutique staging business serving the Metro Kansas City area rather than worldwide, at least for now!
  • We service our clients with the best customer service providing them with the trust and confidence needed to work in their homes and provide them with the best way to market their homes so they get the quickest sale at top market value.
  • Our average days on market for vacant home staging is less than one week for the first offer to be presented.  And, yes, several of our properties have received multiple offers and many over asking price.

So, yes, Mr. Homeowner,  you already are getting a lot more!  

UPDATE:  Mr. Homeowner decided to reduce the price of his home by $50,000 rather than stage at a cost of less than 1% of the list price.  He did get an offer, but unfortunately it fell through and now he’s back where he started, only to be down at least $50,000.

I’m sorry you thought we weren’t a good fit for you.  I’m sorry that  I’m not sorry that we don’t have to compromise our standards, price  and integrity because we are one of the top staging companies in the metro Kansas City area.  We still wish you all the best!